Some Interesting Facts About Honey Bees

In this article, we will take a look at 5 interesting facts about honey bees. Honey bees, the insects that pollinate flowers and plants, are disappearing rapidly but there are some steps that people can take to help save honey bees in the coming years!

Honey Bees Make A Range Of Products Such As Wax And Honey

Honey bees make a range of products including wax and honey. Wax is used to make honeycomb, and honey is used in food and medicine. Honey bees also pollinate crops, which helps to produce food.

Honey bees are important for the agricultural sector because they are responsible for the production of many different types of products. These products include wax, honey, propolis, pollen, royal jelly, and bee venom. These products have a range of uses, which means that honey bees play an important role in the economy. If you want to know how not knowing the difference between bees and wasps can endanger you then read our blog.

Honey bees are also important for the environment because they help to pollinate crops. Pollination is essential for the growth of plants, and without honey bees, crops would not be able to reproduce. Honey bees also help to break down organic matter in the soil, which helps to improve conditions for other organisms.

Honey Bees Are The Only Bee That Pollinates Flowers

1. Honey bees are the only bee that pollinates flowers.

2. Honey bees use their wings to move pollen from flower to flower.

3. Pollen is a type of pollen that is essential for the reproduction of plants.

4. Honey bees are important for the production of crops such as fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

5. Honey bees are vital for the pollination of many food crops, including strawberries, blueberries, and cereal crops.

Honey Bees Are An Important Part Of Nature, Pollinating Plants On Their Own

Honey bees are an important part of nature, pollinating plants on their own. They are responsible for producing about one-third of the world’s food.

Honey bees are an interesting species because they can travel long distances to collect nectar from different plants. This is a task that would be impossible for other animals, as they would not be able to carry enough food with them.

One interesting fact about honey bees is that they can navigate using the sun and stars. They use this information to find their way back home after collecting nectar from a plant.

What Are Some Diseases Honey Bees Can Help To Prevent?

Honey bees play a significant role in the economy and ecology of many countries. They are responsible for pollinating crops, helping to produce food that we eat, and providing essential services to humans.

One important role honey bees play in preventing the spread of diseases. Honey bees can help to prevent the spread of some diseases by consuming the bodily fluids of other insects, such as mosquitoes. This helps to reduce the number of diseases that can be spread.

Honey bees also help to best pests control. By flying around and stinging pests, honey bees can reduce the populations of these insects. This helps to protect crops and gardens from damage.


Honey bees are one of the most important pollinators in the world. They help to produce crops that feed millions of people, and they play a vital role in our global economy. In this article, we’ve highlighted some interesting facts about honey bees that you may not have known. Hopefully, these insights will give you a better understanding of what these amazing insects do and why we should care about their well-being.

How Not Knowing the Difference Between Bees and Wasps Can Endanger You!

Imagine it’s a sunny morning and you are out running some errands, suddenly you see a bee coming towards your way and you run for your life. This must-have happened to everyone. Bees are the scariest kinds of insects because their sting is awfully hurtful. There is a lot of confusion in the identification of wasps and bees. Once in your life, you must have run from a wasp thinking that it was a bee. 

Knowing the difference between a wasp and a bee is very important. So that you can identify how to get rid of them. And also figure out the required form of pest control to get these insects out of your site. In this blog, we will tell you how to identify a wasp and a bee by their appearance.

How To Recognize A Wasp?

Wasps are very dangerous because they are aggressive little creatures whose sting is very painful. Not only that their sting is painful but their sting can be deadly for some people who are allergic to anaphylactic. If you ever have a reaction from wasp sting you will immediately need medical supervision. Most children get stung by them. Because wasps usually make their nest near human dwellings where children play.

  • Body: Wasp’s body is joined to its waist. They are leaner than bees and they have lengthier legs. 
  • Colour: Wasps have a brighter colour than bees. They have beaming yellow stripes on them. So whenever you spot a flashing yellow insect, most probably it is a wasp.
  • Behavior: Wasps are more violent than bees. They get irritated very easily. Also, They love fluttering around humans and food. So if you spot bright yellow insects hovering around your garbage, most likely they are wasps.
  • Nest: Wasps make their nests from wood pulp. Which is chewed by them at the beginning of the year. Their nests are most likely to be near woods. In the beginning, their nests are small but slowly their nests can get bigger than a basketball.

How To Recognize A Bee?

Honey bees are also very threatening as their sting is also very aching. Their sting can be very dangerous for the people who are allergic to the venom they excrete from their stinger. Their stinging is their defence mechanism. They usually sting when they feel that they are in danger or their colony is in danger. The venom of a bee sting can have side effects like sickness and dizziness.

  • Body: The most distinguishing feature of bees from wasps is that bees are hairy whereas wasps are not. As well as bees are rounder and thicker in size than a wasp. So to identify them you should look at their waist.
  • Colour: It has always been a myth that bees are yellow in colour whereas bees have a brownish-orange colour.
  • Behavior: Bees are submissive little creatures. They live in their own world. They do not attack humans unless they feel threatened by them. Stinging is their defense mechanism. As well as you will mostly find bees hovering around flowers and bushes rather than human food. 
  • Nest: The nests of bees are known as honeycomb. They make the honeycomb using beeswax. Bees usually form their nests in hollow places.

Do You Have A Wasp Nest Around Your House? Take Professional Help

Pest Control Waikiki is here to help you with your pest control problems. We have the best pest disinfection service to rescue you from problems like these and save your time and efforts. The services we deliver are very cost-efficient. We are available for the customers 24*7. You can contact us anytime if you want for expert advice or assistance we will be always available at your doorstep to help you. To hire our professionals to contact us on 08 7079 4617. You can also book us online.